"Dig It...!"


Ok folks, I've come back from the city now..., :)
No much I'll tell you about my activity today,
but I got little problem whilst I was on my way coming home...

Let I spin a yarn... :D

First, when I got to the campus, I was feeling so fine,
The weather outside was such as so friendly...,
Things run well like what I've planned before,

Then, I decided to go home early,
actually lots of things I listed on my note and should to do at that time
I was very excited of my plan, but unfortunately I must cancel it out... :(

Why did it happen?

Yeah, like I said before, I got a little problem (with my body),
all of a sudden I was shivering, got puffed, limp and you know what...
It happened at the same time when I stood at the bus stop!

Gee...! Where's the bus? Today's like a long suffering-waiting...,
the weather stung me...and seemed unkind anymore :(
if within 5 minutes the bus didn't come, I bet I wouldn't no longer get to stand up...!

oh, but before it went on, the bus ,I'd been waiting for almost thirty minutes, at last came in...!
I couldn't imagine how if I got fainted at the public place. Thanks, God! I'm safe! :p

still, my body didn't get better later on, so what's wrong with me?
I just remembered, I didn't have enough breakfast, just a bite...but
I'm not sure it was the cause... (note: however, it's a need ppl!)

thus, what really did I need???

It's so simple, ppl! I need a...: MINERAL WATER.

Good luck, there's a peddler who offered "the little thing" I need...! (Today I supposed there will be no peddler at the bus, because it's fasting time. Surprised I'm wrong!)

You know, the nice thing I learned from those happenings is I learn to value something & others :). Even if it's the simplest . In usual days, I often have no much attention to those peddlers, but now I realize, at the right time we'll need them! :)

Once more time, it's so simple, but a bottle of mineral water can help me fresh again! I'm feeling well now! ;)

O.K. Have you learned something today? I hope so.

Have nice days, ppl!



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