Have you ever loved somebody deeply? Or even you have found your true love and been spending your time almost every single day with him/her? If so, you’re the lucky one. But, just imagine about the people who are still struggling to find their true love. Could you feel what they feel? There’s not only lonesome or longing, but also there’s a big desire inside their heart.(A desire to find the Right One”). Ufh…Don’t know, why I feel sad when I write this…With an eye to the unveiled destiny, it can be seen a story of somebody who still ask and try to uncover the true love.
Ok, I just found a lovely poem from a web. It sounds so nice. I put it into my blog for one reason. Would you like to read it?
Ok, I just found a lovely poem from a web. It sounds so nice. I put it into my blog for one reason. Would you like to read it?

I look at him,
And a smile grows in my face.
Just to remember the times,
When he could’ve been mine.
As he gives me a hug,
While he puts his arms around me.
I remember what I would’ve gave
To only have a chance with him.
But now I see him,
In a different light.
Yes, he still means the world to me,
But now its a different way.
His friendship means a lot to me,
Although we never had much anything else.
Now I see why God doesn’t answer all prayers,
Because some things are left better untouched.
By Chloe
So, why do I pick this poem? The simple reason is to share a bit story of myself. ;;Oh Gosh, I hope I'm not selfish by telling you about it ... :) ;; If you have read that poem literally, you’ll find a worth answer of my question. Now I see why God doesn’t answer all prayers, because some things are left better untouched. (love this part…)
I believe that He knows the best for me…
Don't worry, keep smile, and just be happy ppl! Enjoy your life!

I agree with this poem completely. My best friend Tom and I have been attracted to each other since we met. But we have never been single at the same time. It happend recently, we gave into our desires, and our friendship somehow went out the window. Now I'm wishing we could have left it untouched.
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